About PSV Glass & Glazing
We are the leading specialist glass distribution & installation company in the UK & Ireland, supporting the Public Transport Industry.
We supply replacement glazing for all Bus, Coach, Rail & Motorhome applications. If you have travelled in any vehicle built during the last 40 years you will have certainly looked to the outside world through one of our windows!
We are a family owned and managed business, with our roots in a small Buckinghamshire based Automotive Glass replacement Company, and we have grown through a combination of hard work, attention to detail, and high quality standards to become the leader in our specialist field.

Incorporating the brands PSV Glass, Bus & Coach Glazing, 1st Glass and Coach Glazing Services we are the only dedicated glass distribution & installation business offering a 24/7 service nationally, and that is why we are also the chosen partner of many of the industry’s leading vehicle manufacturers, and also the country’s largest transport operators, supporting them and their businesses to help keep the UK & Ireland moving!
Our goal is to provide all our customers with a high level of service and competitive prices, and all our staff have a responsibility for ensuring we can deliver on both of these objectives.